
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

PhD in Instrumentation @ BARC | Dream Chance for PG graduates

If you are looking for an opportunity to pursue Ph.D. in frontline areas in Basic Sciences in state of- the-art laboratories then BARC is the place for you!

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) is a premier Institution for Research & Development (R&D) in Nuclear Science & Technology in particular and Physical, Chemical, Life and Engineering Sciences in general. The Centre has not only been the backbone of the Indian Nuclear Energy Program, but also has been in the forefront of research in basic sciences as well as engineering sciences. Several of its stateof- the-art laboratories and research facilities are unique to it. BARC conducts a Ph.D. program in basic Sciences such as Physical, Chemical and Life Science under the aegis of Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), a Deemed to be University. The Ph.D. program at BARC consists of course work of one academic year duration followed by research work. BARC invites applications for its Ph.D. programme in Science Disciplines commencing in August 2012 under the aegis of HBNI. A limited number of Junior Research Fellowships (JRFs), awarded by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), will be offered to those selected for the Ph.D. program. DAE fellowship is tenable for four years. The fellowship amount is `16,000/- per month for first and second year, and `18,000/- per month for subsequent years besides house rent allowance and medical benefits as per rules. The selection process for the PhD program of BARC is identical with that of the OCES/DGFS program of the BARC Training Schools. For information about the latter please visit . The selected candidates can also pursue the Ph.D. program with fellowships from other sources like UGC-CSIR, DBT, ICAR, ICMR and other national agencies. A few meritorious candidates may be offered DAE Graduate Fellowship Scheme-Ph.D. (DGFS - Ph.D.) Fellowship. It carries a fellowship of ` 20,000/- p.m. in the first year and ` 24,000/- p.m. in succeeding years.

Selection Process:
Selection for the Ph.D. program is a two-step process: Written Test screening to short-list candidates followed by a Selection Interview of short-listed candidates. Screening for Physical, Chemical and Life Sciences shall be on the basis of one of the following: (i) GATE-2011/GATE-2012 score or (ii) Written Test-2012 score of the BARC Training School.

Check Site for More details:


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